August 29, 2024

William Shatner on Anne of Green Gables

William Shatner Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek and Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables

I have such fun discovering Anne of Green Gables fans around the world. Sometimes, they are even out there in the far reaches of the galaxy.

William Shatner is a Canadian actor best known for portraying Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek. He has had a long career as an actor, author, musician, and director, and in 2021, he flew into space in real life in a Blue Origin capsule.

Yesterday, I learned that he's a fan of Anne of Green Gables through an amusing exchange on Twitter/X.

@AaronBillard asked William Shatner: "@WilliamShatner Have you ever been invited to play Anne of Green Gables? I feel like there’s more to explore with that character. It needs the Shatner treatment."

@WilliamShatner responded: "In my heart of hearts I cherish the day Matthew and Marilla invited me to stay I even thought they had ordered a boy."

William Shatner talking about Anne of Green Gables on Twitter on August 28, 2024.

He clearly knows Anne of Green Gables well. In searching through William Shatner's Twitter history, I learned that this isn't the first time that he has mentioned Anne Shirley.

On August 11, 2020, @ABlenkey wrote to William Shatner saying: "Just recently followed you and I’m glad I did. You are like a breath of fresh air in this echo chamber nightmare called twitter."

@WilliamShatner responded: "I’m just like Anne of Green Gables ...don’t tell Marilla!😝"

William Shatner talking about Anne of Green Gables on Twitter on August 11, 2020.

On December 5, 2019, @MartissJ wrote to William Shatner asking for help to save the Anne with an E TV series: "@WilliamShatner help?! #reneweannewithane #SaveAnneWithAnE"

@WilliamShatner responded: "But if you call me Anne, please call me Anne with an 'e'. - Anne Shirley 😉👍🏻"

William Shatner talking about Anne of Green Gables on Twitter on December 5, 2019.

Going back a little farther in time, on January 3, 2017, one of the Property Brothers @MrDrewScott tagged William Shatner saying: "Which celeb should I do a fun social collab with next? @davidblaine @HaylieDuff @WilliamShatner"

@WilliamShatner responded with a roll eyes saying: "🙄 What makes him think we want to "collab" with him?"

@MrDrewScott responded: "I read your diary. I know all your secrets😉"

To which, William Shatner retorted: "Diary? Who are you Anne of Green Gables? 🙄"

William Shatner mentions Anne of Green Gables on Twitter on January 4, 2017.

I could probably find more instances of William Shatner mentioning Anne of Green Gables if I kept digging for them, but I'm already convinced that he's a true fan.

William Shatner's Twitter/X Account

Image credits:
Left: Photograph of William Shatner by Santiago Felipe/Getty from People Magazine.
Right: Photograph of Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables © Sullivan Entertainment.

Created August 29, 2024.

August 28, 2024

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Catherine Little and illustrated by Sae Kimura

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill is a children's book by Catherine Little and beautifully illustrated by Sae Kimura that was published by Plumleaf Press on August 1, 2024. Set in Toronto after WWI, the book tells the story of a young girl named Anne who loves her local library and books by L.M. Montgomery. Anne grows excited when Montgomery visits her town.

The book is 32 pages long and geared toward children ages 6–10. Catherine Little is a teacher and writer, who lives in Toronto, Ontario. While reading L.M. Montgomery's journals, she learned that Montgomery had once visited her neighborhood in Toronto. This knowledge inspired her to write this book. Sae Kimura is an artist and illustrator who is from Japan and moved to Toronto in 2011.

Here is the book's description from Plumleaf Press:

Growing up in the shadow of the Great War, Anne finds comfort in her neighbourhood library, where she loses herself in books, often imagining herself as part of the story. She particularly loves the books of L.M. Montgomery — and her imagination really takes off when she learns her beloved author is in town.

Image credit:
Cover of Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Plumleaf Press.

Purchase and read Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill:

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Catherine Little and illustrated by Sae Kimura

Created August 28, 2024.

August 15, 2024

The Island Hymn

Photograph of handwritten pages of The Island Hymn by L.M. Montgomery at the Green Gables Heritage Place in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, Canada, photograph copyright World of Anne Shirley

In 1908, before she was famous for writing Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery penned the patriotic song "The Island Hymn" for her home province, Prince Edward Island. Today, the song is the island's official provincial anthem.

The creation of the hymn was inspired by Professor Harry Watts from the Charlottetown School of Music. He envisioned a patriotic song that could capture the spirit of the island and invited Montgomery, already admired for her poetry and short stories, to write the lyrics. At the time, she was also serving as the organist at the Cavendish Presbyterian Church. Montgomery took up the task, crafting a three-stanza hymn set to the tune of "God Save the King" just months before the publication of her soon-to-be international bestseller, Anne of Green Gables. Her lyrics were set to music composed by Lawrence W. Watson.

Today, L.M. Montgomery's handwritten lyrics can be viewed at the Green Gables Heritage Place along with correspondence related to the hymn.

In 2010, over a century later, "The Island Hymn" was officially declared the provincial anthem of Prince Edward Island. A French version of the song was written by Raymond J. Arsenault. The song now stands as a timeless symbol of her love for and pride in the island.

L.M. Montgomery's lyrics are as follows:

The Island Hymn

Fair Island of the sea,
We raise our song to thee,
The bright and blest;
Loyally now we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
And sing God save the land
We love the best.

Upon our princely Isle
May kindest fortune smile
In coming years;
Peace and prosperity
In all her borders be,
From every evil free,
And weakling fears.

Prince Edward Isle, to thee
Our hearts shall faithful be
Where'er we dwell;
Forever may we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
And sing God save the land
We love so well.

World of Anne Shirley's Anne of Green Gables Travel Guide Banner

Official Websites:

Provincial Anthem. Government of Prince Edward Island.

Green Gables Heritage Place
PE-13, Cavendish, PE C0A 1M0, Canada

Map of Green Gables Heritage Place by OpenStreetMap

Image credits:
Photographs by World of Anne Shirley.
Map copyright OpenStreetMap.

Provincial Anthem. Government of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved from:

Created August 15, 2024.

August 13, 2024

Summer in the Land of Anne

Book cover of Summer in the Land of Anne by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly and illustrated by Carolyn M. Epperly

Summer in the Land of Anne is a children's book by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly and illustrated by watercolor artist Carolyn M. Epperly. Elizabeth Rollins Epperly was the first female president of the University of Prince Edward Island, and she founded of the L.M. Montgomery Institute at the university. She has published many scholarly books on L.M. Montgomery’s writings as well as her scrapbooks and photography. She expanded into writing about L.M. Montgomery for children with Summer in the Land of Anne, which is her first children’s book.

Here is the book's description from Acorn Press:

Six-year-old Elspeth’s mother has a surprise in store for her daughters. She’s taking Elspeth and her eleven-year-old sister on a surprise vacation. When she starts reading Anne of Green Gables aloud to the girls, they catch on–they’re going to Prince Edward Island!

Elspeth proudly dons her Anne hat on the ferry, ready to explore the Land of Anne. Although she knows she’s really visiting Lucy Maud Montgomery?s house, she feels like she recognizes everything from the books and is thoroughly enchanted. At first devastated that Montgomery’s first house was torn down by Montgomery’s uncle, Elspeth sees signs of life–chipmunks living in the old cellar.

Elspeth’s imagination is ignited. No longer satisfied with pretending to be Anne, Elspeth is instead inspired to become more like Montgomery: famous writer Elspeth of Cavendish, writing about the world she loves.

Summer in the Land of Anne is a celebration of the books we love and all the ways they inspire us.

Image credit:
Cover of Summer in the Land of Anne by Acorn Press.

Purchase and read Summer in the Land of Anne:

Summer in the Land of Anne by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly and illustrated by Carolyn M. Epperly

Created August 13, 2024.

June 27, 2024

All the wealth of June

Quote about the wealth of June by L.M. Montgomery in Mistress Pat.

"It's a waste of time to go to bed too early on moonlight nights. And all the wealth of June is ours, no matter how poor we may be..."
-L.M. Montgomery
Mistress Pat

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the Pat of Silver Bush series:

Pat of Silver Bush by L.M. Montgomery Mistress Pat by L.M. Montgomery

Created June 27, 2024.

June 26, 2024

Royal Canadian Mint Unveils New Coin Celebrating L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables

Royal Canadian Mint Unveils New Coin Celebrating L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables

Today, the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled a new $1 coin that celebrates L.M. Montgomery as Canada's literary icon. The unveiling took place in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island at the Green Gables Heritage Place, the location that inspired L.M. Montgomery's most famous novel Anne of Green Gables. The release celebrates the 150th anniversary of L.M. Montgomery's birth in 1874.

This coin is the first circulation coin to honor an author. The new loonie will be entering circulation across Canada tomorrow June 27, 2024.

Royal Canadian Mint Unveils New Coin Celebrating L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables

The Royal Canadian Mint launched a beautiful webpage today to announce the coin. It includes biographical information on L.M. Montgomery, the beautiful collages featured in this post, as well as information on the coin's artist and design.

According to the Royal Canadian Mint website:

"Not many Canadian authors have captured the hearts and imaginations of readers quite like L. M. Montgomery. Through her beloved stories and characters, the creator of the internationally-acclaimed Anne of Green Gables has transported millions of readers, over many generations, to the little province she called home.

One of Canada’s most enduring and endearing cultural figures, Montgomery is an icon who continues to impart a lasting impression. This year, we honour her brilliant imagination and exceptional talent with a commemorative $1 circulation coin—a tribute to her life’s work."

The coin's artwork is by Brenda Jones. She's an artist from Prince Edward Island who has a connection to Anne of Green Gables. According to a "fun fact" posted on the Royal Canadian Mint website, her grandparents owned the Green Gables house.

The coin features an image of L.M. Montgomery holding a fountain pen, with a manuscript and inkwell nearby. Below her portrait is her signature and cat icon. To the left is an image of Anne Shirley looking towards patchwork quilt fields representing Prince Edward Island.

Royal Canadian Mint Unveils New Coin Celebrating L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables
It's a beautiful coin. I can't imagine they'll remain in circulation long. Anne fans might just pocket them all.

Official Websites:
L.M. Montgomery Literary Icon at the Royal Canadian Mint
Behind the Design: L. M. Montgomery Commemorative $1 Circulation Coin

Image credits:
Images and collages by the Royal Canadian Mint.

Created June 26, 2024.

June 24, 2024

The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon

Book cover of The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, a collection of stories by Deirdre Kessler, Hope Dalvay, Judith Graves, Matthew Dawkins, Mere Joyce, Natasha Deen, Paul Coccia, Shari Green, Susan White, and Susie Moloney

The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon is a collection of short stories by ten Canadian writers who take Anne Shirley on new adventures. The collection was edited by Judith Graves and Robin Sutherland.

Judith Graves, who describes herself as an L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables "fangirl," had once written a short story about Anne being a cyborg. Writing this story gave her the idea of creating an anthology of stories. In an interview with the CBC, Graves says, "I pitched the idea of what if it wasn't just my little Anne story? What if we got a whole bunch of authors writing and taking Anne on these wild new adventures?" Graves invited writers to contribute with the following guidelines: "the main character had to be named Anne with an E and was adopted by an older couple."

The book includes stories by Paul Coccia (Leon Levels Up), Hope Dalvay (Welcome to Camp Fill-in-the-Blank), Matthew Dawkins (Until We Break), Natasha Deen (Key of Nira Ghani), Judith Graves (Retribution series), Shari Green (Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess), Mere Joyce (Oracle of Senders series), Deirdre Kessler (Lobster in my Pocket), Susie Moloney (The Thirteen), and Susan White (The Year Mrs. Montague Cried).

Graves notes that, "Very much this anthology will rock some people's world, I think. But I think the underlying theme of everything, all the stories … was a nod to L.M. Montgomery's work and a hearkening back to those themes of finding yourself, belonging, being quirky but that's OK — being your own person and finding your people who may not be related to you."

Here is the book's description from Acorn Press:

Who is YOUR Anne?

Join ten of Canada's top young adult fiction writers as they set Canada's favourite red-haired orphan, Anne Shirley, on brand new adventures. With its futuristic settings, cybernetic beings, ghosts, mysterious books and boxes, and racial and sexual diversity in its cast of characters, The ANNEthology offers serious "scope for the imagination" for all readers.

2024 marks the 150th anniversary of L.M. Montgomery's birth and the 30th anniversary of Acorn Press, Prince Edward Island's longest-running traditional publishing house. What better way to celebrate these milestones than publishing a collection of stories inspired by the Island's (and one of Canada's) most beloved authors?

Sure to include something for everyone, this is a must-have collection for Anne of Green Gables fans.

The book launch for The Annethology took place yesterday at The Guild in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. What do you think of the concept of The Annethology? Will you read it?

Image credit:
Cover of The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon by Acorn Press.

Ross, Shane. (2024, June 22). Anne with an Edge: New anthology will 'rock some people's world:' This is not your grandmother's Anne Shirley. CBC. Retrieved from:

Purchase and read The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon:

The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon

Created June 24, 2024.

May 31, 2024

I’m sick of the fragrance of dead things.

A quote from The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery: I’m sick of the fragrance of dead things.

"I’m sick of the fragrance of dead things."
-L.M. Montgomery
Valancy Stirling in The Blue Castle

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the The Blue Castle:

The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

Created May 31, 2024.