Showing posts with label Spin-Offs and Retellings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spin-Offs and Retellings. Show all posts

June 24, 2024

The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon

Book cover of The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon, a collection of stories by Deirdre Kessler, Hope Dalvay, Judith Graves, Matthew Dawkins, Mere Joyce, Natasha Deen, Paul Coccia, Shari Green, Susan White, and Susie Moloney

The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon is a collection of short stories by ten Canadian writers who take Anne Shirley on new adventures. The collection was edited by Judith Graves and Robin Sutherland.

Judith Graves, who describes herself as an L.M. Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables "fangirl," had once written a short story about Anne being a cyborg. Writing this story gave her the idea of creating an anthology of stories. In an interview with the CBC, Graves says, "I pitched the idea of what if it wasn't just my little Anne story? What if we got a whole bunch of authors writing and taking Anne on these wild new adventures?" Graves invited writers to contribute with the following guidelines: "the main character had to be named Anne with an E and was adopted by an older couple."

The book includes stories by Paul Coccia (Leon Levels Up), Hope Dalvay (Welcome to Camp Fill-in-the-Blank), Matthew Dawkins (Until We Break), Natasha Deen (Key of Nira Ghani), Judith Graves (Retribution series), Shari Green (Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess), Mere Joyce (Oracle of Senders series), Deirdre Kessler (Lobster in my Pocket), Susie Moloney (The Thirteen), and Susan White (The Year Mrs. Montague Cried).

Graves notes that, "Very much this anthology will rock some people's world, I think. But I think the underlying theme of everything, all the stories … was a nod to L.M. Montgomery's work and a hearkening back to those themes of finding yourself, belonging, being quirky but that's OK — being your own person and finding your people who may not be related to you."

Here is the book's description from Acorn Press:

Who is YOUR Anne?

Join ten of Canada's top young adult fiction writers as they set Canada's favourite red-haired orphan, Anne Shirley, on brand new adventures. With its futuristic settings, cybernetic beings, ghosts, mysterious books and boxes, and racial and sexual diversity in its cast of characters, The ANNEthology offers serious "scope for the imagination" for all readers.

2024 marks the 150th anniversary of L.M. Montgomery's birth and the 30th anniversary of Acorn Press, Prince Edward Island's longest-running traditional publishing house. What better way to celebrate these milestones than publishing a collection of stories inspired by the Island's (and one of Canada's) most beloved authors?

Sure to include something for everyone, this is a must-have collection for Anne of Green Gables fans.

The book launch for The Annethology took place yesterday at The Guild in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. What do you think of the concept of The Annethology? Will you read it?

Image credit:
Cover of The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon by Acorn Press.

Ross, Shane. (2024, June 22). Anne with an Edge: New anthology will 'rock some people's world:' This is not your grandmother's Anne Shirley. CBC. Retrieved from:

Purchase and read The Annethology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon:

The ANNEthology: A Collection of Kindred Spirits Inspired by the Canadian Icon

Created June 24, 2024.

February 16, 2009

Anne of Galactic Gables by Tom McHenry

A webcomic called Anne of Galactic Gables by Tom McHenry. There are four panels drawing in black and white. In Panel 1, Anne Shirley and Matthew Cuthbert are wearing space suits, and Matthew is pressing buttons on a panel in a space ship. A bubble over their heads reads: AIRLOCK PRESSURIZATION COMPLETE. Anne says: It's such an interesting universe. It just makes me feel glad to be alive. In Panel 2, Matthew is removing his helmet. Anne is frowning. Anne says: I felt so ashamed because I had to wear this -- horrid old wincey suit. In Panel 3, both Anne and Matthew have removed their helmets. Anne exclaims: That planet we come to..That blue planet..What is it? Matthew replies: You mean Earth? In Panel 4, there is a close-up of Anne's smiling face. Anne says: They shouldn't call it Earth. There's no meaning in a name like that. They should call it The Azure Orb of Delight.
Have you ever wondered what Anne Shirley would be like if she traveled to outer space? Well, comic and zine creator Tom McHenry has imagined it out for you.

In McHenry's one-off webcomic, Anne and Matthew Cuthbert are traveling through space. Anne is ashamed to be wearing a "horrid old wincey" spacesuit. Then she lightens up, smiling and asking Matthew about the blue planet they arrived at. When Matthew explains that it's called Earth, Anne replies, "They shouldn't call it 'Earth.' There's no meaning in a name like that. They should call it 'The Azure Orb of Delight.'"

McHenry's sci-fi comic based on Anne of Green Gables was featured in an article called, "When Classic Literature Gets Updated" by Graeme McMillan at McMillan writes, "Move over, Pride and Prejudice And Zombies, a new updating of classic literature has come along to win your heart... Or at least make you laugh. Yes, it's Anne of Green Gables... in space."

On his livejournal, McHenry explains his inspiration: "Sara and I have been reading the original Anne novels (not my ill-fated science fiction sequels including Anne of Lavaworld and Rilla of Planetside) aloud before bed."

At io9, McMillan goes on to say, "The strip was just one of McHenry's "Future and Space Things" themed week of comics, alongside Space Yuppies. More proof that more people should be forced to come up with science fiction when they least expect it." I heartily agree. I enjoyed reading this fantastic and fun comic.

Created February 16, 2009. Last updated April 17, 2024.