Showing posts with label Kindred Spirits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindred Spirits. Show all posts

January 26, 2024

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 4

After many years, I designed a fourth set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines to give to your kindred spirits on St. Valentine's Day. Save the Anne Shirley-inspired Valentines shown below. Print the Valentine cards out on cardstock paper in landscape mode, cut them out, and share them.

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 3 by World of Anne Shirley
You can save the individual Anne of Green Gables Valentines below if you like a specific one and want to text it to a friend:

Anne of Green Gables - Kindred Spirit - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - I felt you were a kindred spirit as soon as I ever saw you - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - We were born to be good friends - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - We were meant to be kindred spirits - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - You Are Sweet Gilbert's Candy Heart - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - To my kindred spirit - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - We are going to be the best of friends - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - If you love me as I love you, Nothing but death can part us two - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Anne of Green Gables - Bosom Friend - Valentine card by World of Anne Shirley

Image credits:

To design this set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines, I used public domain clipart, quotes from Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe, and images of Anne Shirley and Diana Barry from Sullivan Entertainment's Anne of Green Gables (1985) and Nippon Animation's Anne of Green Gables (1979) aka Akage No An.

Download and print more Anne of Green Gables Valentines here: Set 1, Set 2, and Set 3.

Created January 26, 2024. Last updated February 13, 2024.

September 05, 2023

Lane Moore on Anne of Green Gables

Lane Moore and Megan Follows playing Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables

This week, I finished reading a book called You Will Find Your People: How to Make Meaningful Friendships as an Adult by Lane Moore. She's a writer, musician and comedian.

Having moved this summer, and feeling lonely in general, I thought the book might be helpful to me. I’m always searching for kindred spirits and hoping for that ideal bosom friendship depicted in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. I think that this belief in true and lasting friendship is a common bond shared by people who love the Anne series. What I didn’t know when I started reading You Will Find Your People is that its author Lane Moore loves and identifies with Anne Shirley too and that Anne would turn up in her book.

In Chapter 2, Moore talks about Anne Shirley and Diana Barry’s friendship as being an exception to the general categories of female friendship depicted in the media. She writes:

"There are of course so many beautiful exceptions in pop culture. Particularly, Anne Shirley and Diana Barry's lifelong, deeply devoted, Platonic Soulmates friendship in Anne of Green Gables. (Though, their friendship is arguably two people who are totally in love with each other, and I will forever stand by this correct assumption, but that's for another book.) But if such a Platonic Soulmate exists, where do you find that devotion that sees you through adolescence, into adulthood, into marriages and kids and moving and new careers? Where do you find that magical, poetic friendship where you both grow on parallel tracks—even if they're not the same tracks exactly—into people who still connect deeply, not only as the people you once were, but also as the people you're constantly becoming?"

I wonder that too, where do you find that truest of friendships depicted in Anne of Green Gables? Sometimes I’ve wondered if this type of friendship really exists or if it’s simply fiction, but I still hope it’s something real and attainable.

Later on in the book, in Chapter 14, which is titled, "Friend Breakups: How to Know When to Leave, How to Do It, and How to Cope with the Grief," Lane Moore begins the chapter with a quote from L.M. Montgomery’s novel:

Even though we meet as strangers now I still love her with an inextinguishable love.
-Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables

Anne's statement really captures the grief when a friendship feels lost.

After finishing the book, I read a beautiful essay where Lane Moore talks about friendship and Anne of Green Gables called, "I Want a Bosom Friendship Like Anne Shirley and Diana Barry." She wrote the essay for Powell’s Books Blog on April 25, 2023. (Until just a couple months ago, I used to live a few blocks from Powell’s). Moore's essay is really lovely, and I think any fan of Anne of Green Gables should read it.

Moore writes about her lifelong goal, saying, "For me, I want a bosom friendship like Anne Shirley and Diana Barry from Anne of Green Gables more than just about anything in this world." She writes, "When I was a kid, I would read Lucy Maude Montgomery's words describing bosom friends, which boiled down this very romantic sentiment: two people who were absolutely platonic while at the same time being absolutely soulmates." She continues, saying, "I knew I wanted bosom friends. I wanted friends who I could be openly romantic with, maybe a little dramatic with, and also extremely silly with, who I could get drunk on cherry cordials with…"

I love her description of Anne and Diana’s friendship: "Their friendship was about full acceptance and full support of each other. In the face of cruel classmates, and a frustrating world, Anne had Diana's back and Diana had hers just the same."

No wonder so many of us long for a friendship like theirs.

Moore has also mentioned Anne of Green Gables in the following interviews. Check them out:

"What Attachment Styles Teach Us About Our Friendships: They’re Not Just for Romantic Relationships" by Lane Moore, Elle (June 28, 2023)

"Lane Moore: 5 Books That Make Me Feel Less Alone" by Lane Moore, Strand Book Store (October 30, 2018)

Image Credits:
Left: Photograph of Lane Moore from her website.
Right: Screen capture of Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel © Sullivan Entertainment.

Created September 5, 2023.

January 16, 2009

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 3

Here's a third set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines to give to your kindred spirits, friends, classmates, and loved ones. Save the Anne-inspired Valentines shown below. Then print the Valentine cards out on cardstock paper in landscape mode, cut them out, and share them!

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 3 by World of Anne Shirley

To design this set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines, I used public domain images, public domain clipart from Antique Clipart, and an image of Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley from Sullivan Entertainment's production of Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987).

Download and print more Anne of Green Gables Valentines here: Set 1, Set 2, and Set 4.

Created January 16, 2009. Last updated January 26, 2024.

January 15, 2007

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 2

Here's a second set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines to give to your kindred spirits, friends, classmates, and loved ones. Save the Anne-inspired Valentines shown below. Then print the Valentine cards out on cardstock paper in landscape mode, cut them out, and share them!

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 2 by World of Anne Shirley

To design this set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines, I used images from Sullivan Entertainment's Anne of Green Gables (1985) and Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987), Nippon Animation's Anne of Green Gables (1979) aka Akage No An, the 1934 Anne of Green Gables film, and Anne & Gilbert: The Musical.

Download and print more Anne of Green Gables Valentines here: Set 1, Set 3, and Set 4.

Created January 15, 2007. Last updated January 26, 2024.

January 01, 2005

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 1

Give these Anne of Green Gables Valentines to your classmates, kindred spirits, and loved ones. Save the Anne-inspired Valentines below. Then print the Valentine cards out on cardstock paper in portrait mode, cut them out, and share them!

Anne of Green Gables Valentines - Set 1 by World of Anne Shirley

To design this set of Anne of Green Gables Valentines, I used public domain clipart from Antique Clipart, and images of Gilbert Blythe, Anne Shirley, and Diana Barry from Sullivan Entertainment's production of Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987) and Nippon Animation's Anne of Green Gables (1979) aka Akage No An.

Download and print more Anne of Green Gables Valentines here: Set 2, Set 3, and Set 4.

Created January 1, 2005. Last updated January 26, 2024.