Anne & Gilbert: The Musical (2005) is a musical based on stories from the Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery. The musical premiered at the Victoria Playhouse in Victoria–By-the-Sea, Prince Edward Island on August 4, 2005. The first act of the musical is based on Anne of Avonlea, and the second act is based on Anne of the Island. The story was adapted for the stage by Jeff Hochhauser, Nancy White, and Bob Johnston.
I was fortunate to watch the musical in 2006 at the Harbourfront Theatre in Summerside. It's a wonderful production, and the songs are charming.
A CD featuring some of the songs and a book based on the Anne & Gilbert musical are available online. You can also listen to the album at Apple Music.
Official Site:
Anne and Gilbert: The Musical
Image Credit:
Promotional artwork from Anne & Gilbert: The Musical.
Purchase the Anne & Gilbert cast recording and check out the script and lyrics book:
Created June 3, 2005. Last updated May 12, 2024.