August 28, 2024

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Catherine Little and illustrated by Sae Kimura

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill is a children's book by Catherine Little and beautifully illustrated by Sae Kimura that was published by Plumleaf Press on August 1, 2024. Set in Toronto after WWI, the book tells the story of a young girl named Anne who loves her local library and books by L.M. Montgomery. Anne grows excited when Montgomery visits her town.

The book is 32 pages long and geared toward children ages 6–10. Catherine Little is a teacher and writer, who lives in Toronto, Ontario. While reading L.M. Montgomery's journals, she learned that Montgomery had once visited her neighborhood in Toronto. This knowledge inspired her to write this book. Sae Kimura is an artist and illustrator who is from Japan and moved to Toronto in 2011.

Here is the book's description from Plumleaf Press:

Growing up in the shadow of the Great War, Anne finds comfort in her neighbourhood library, where she loses herself in books, often imagining herself as part of the story. She particularly loves the books of L.M. Montgomery — and her imagination really takes off when she learns her beloved author is in town.

Image credit:
Cover of Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Plumleaf Press.

Purchase and read Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill:

Anne of the Library-on-the-Hill by Catherine Little and illustrated by Sae Kimura

Created August 28, 2024.