In January 1907, L.M. Montgomery published the poem "When Mother Tucked Us In" in The Farm Journal, a journal devoted to the farm, orchard, garden, poultry and household economy. The journal's motto was "Practical not Fancy Farming."
Here is a digitized image of the poem scanned from microfilm available at Archive.org:

Here is the full text of the poem:
The sweetest memory of all,
Which time from us can never win,
Comes when the dusking shadows fall
And winds their nightly rune begin,—
The memory of those olden eves
When mother tucked us in.
Tired from our play, and glad to rest
When twilight brought its calm-eyed star,
And in its hush the yellow moon
Rose over purple hills afar
To shine on fields whose dewy peace
No dream of strife might mar.
And yet again we hear the croon
Of winds around the old low eaves
Of the brown house where we were born,
And in the murmuring poplar leaves,—
How sweet and subtle seems again
The spell remembrance weaves!
Upon us fell the gracious boon
Of childhood’s rest; we knew no care,
We only felt a gentle hand
Upon the tangles of our hair,
We only heard in that dim room
A mother’s tender prayer.
And now we walk the busy world
With all its maze of toil and sin,
But still a rescuing talisman
We bear our secret hearts within,—
The memory of those sacred hours
When mother tucked us in.
Montgomery, L.M. (1907, January). When Mother Tucked Us In. The Farm Journal. 31(1): 18. Retrieved from: https://archive.org/details/sim_farm-journal_1907-01_31_1/page/18/mode/2up
Created October 16, 2022.
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