May 24, 2022

a double ribbon of dancing buttercups...

"The road to Lowbridge was a double ribbon of dancing buttercups, with here and there the ferny green rim of an inviting grove."  -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside

"The road to Lowbridge was a double ribbon of dancing buttercups, with here and there the ferny green rim of an inviting grove."
-L.M. Montgomery
Anne of Ingleside

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:

Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read Anne of Ingleside:

Anne of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery

Created May 24, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

May 10, 2022

What's in a Name? Rainbow Valley: L.M. Montgomery, Johnny Cash, Love Affair, and John Wayne

Steve Ellis of Love Affair singing Rainbow Valley, Johnny Cash, L.M. Montgomery's novel Rainbow Valley, poster for Rainbow Valley starring John Wayne

I recently finished a book called Forever Words: The Unknown Poems by Johnny Cash. This collection of Johnny Cash's poems and lyrics was published posthumously in 2016. It's a great book if you're a fan of The Man in Black.

So how does this relate to L.M. Montgomery? Well, as I was reading the book, I read the lyrics for a song Johnny Cash wrote in the 1970s called "Chinky Pin Hill." (It's now been recorded in a beautiful rendition by I'm With Her). The third stanza of the song reads:

We'll stop in Rainbow Valley
Where the church is standing still
And we'll be newlywed married
On Chinky Pin Hill

Seeing the name "Rainbow Valley" got my attention because it's the name of the seventh book in the Anne of Green Gables series. L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valley was published in 1919.

Johnny Cash had capitalized Rainbow Valley as a real, definable place. Could Cash have come across Montgomery's Anne series on a bookshelf somewhere and remembered the name? Or was there a real Rainbow Valley out there?

I started digging around the internet. It turns out that there is a Rainbow Valley on Mount Everest where many climbers have fallen to their deaths in their colorful gear. Well, I was clearly following the wrong thread there.

I continued searching and came across a cheerful song called "Rainbow Valley" by a band from London called Love Affair from 1968. The lyrics are sweet and charming:

The sun always shines
down in my Rainbow Valley.
There's one that's always mine,
down in my Rainbow Valley.

Maybe this song title made its way into Johnny Cash's lyrics? I also wondered, could Love Affair have been inspired to name their song by L.M. Montgomery's book?

Going back even farther, there's a 1935 film titled Rainbow Valley starring John Wayne. I wonder what inspired the title of this film. Were all these people simply influenced by rainbows in valleys, or could they have been inspired by one another?

What's in a name? My hours of digging provided me with no definitive answers. Sometimes art is all about hidden dialogues and connection, picking up inspiration from people, words, sounds, and observations and putting them all together in unexplainable ways to create something new.

Created May 10, 2022.

May 04, 2022

The sea has one only...

A quote on the voices of the woods and the sea by L.M. Montgomery in Anne's House of Dreams. 

"The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only—a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music. The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels."
-L.M. Montgomery
Anne's House of Dreams

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:

Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read Anne's House of Dreams:

Anne's House of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery

Created May 5, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

May 01, 2022

Limited Time Deal on Rilla of Ingleside Audiobook

Rilla of Ingleside Audiobook

If you love audiobooks, there's a great deal on a new version of Rilla of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery at Chirp right now. For the next 25 days, you can purchase Rilla of Ingleside as a digital audiobook for $1.99. The regular price is $15.99.

This new digital audiobook was just released by InAudio on February 22, 2022. The book is read by Erin Bateman, and the run time is 11 hours and 32 minutes.

Chirp describes the book as follows:

"This follow-up to the treasured classic Anne of Green Gables has over 21,100 five-star Goodreads ratings! On the brink of World War I, Anne and Gilbert Blythe’s youngest daughter is still a teenager. But when she falls in love with a soldier and her brothers enlist in the conflict, Rilla must summon all of her courage as her life changes forever."

Publisher's description:

"Rilla is Anne and Gilbert Blythe’s youngest daughter, an excitable 15-year-old who is unaware of how the world works, and is only interested in having fun. But the world is on the brink of a global war, and soon Rilla’s family and life are turned upside down, as several of her brothers enlist in the army and are sent to fight overseas.

The book follows Rilla’s life through the duration of World War I, as she grows up quickly from the responsibilities put on young women in this time. She adopts an orphaned child and raises him, runs the local Junior Red Cross, falls in love with a soldier just before he deploys, and even assists in the elopement of a soldier to his beloved.

This novel captures the anxiety of living with one’s family away at war, as well as captures the unique perspective of a woman’s life at home during the First World War (and is the only Canadian novel that shows this perspective written by a contemporary of the war). Through the sadness and bleak moments brought to the world in this war, and the loss that the Blythes face, there is yet again hope to be found in the love of the families and neighbors of Ingleside."

Created May 1, 2022.