March 21, 2022

A real poet...

A quote on being a real poet by L.M. Montgomery in Emily of New Moon.

"You can never be a real poet if you haven't made at least one poem about spring."
-L.M. Montgomery
Emily of New Moon

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:

Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the Emily of New Moon series:

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery Emily of New Moon Series, Three Book Set by L.M. Montgomery

Created March 21, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

March 11, 2022

I hate this war...

A quote on hating war by L.M. Montgomery in Rilla of Ingleside.

"'I hate this war,' said Rilla bitterly, as she gazed out into the maple grove that was a chill glory of pink and gold in the winter sunset."
-L.M. Montgomery
Rilla of Ingleside

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read Rilla of Ingleside and the Anne of Green Gables series:

Rilla of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables Book Set by L.M. Montgomery

Created March 11, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.