Anne...With an “e” - The Green Gables Musical (1998) is a musical by Neil K. Newell and C. Michael Perry based on the novel Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. The musical was produced and made its world premiere at the Spanish Fork Community Theatre in Spanish Fork, Utah, USA on July 19, 1998.
The original production was directed by C. Michael Perry, produced by Cherie Murray, and choreographed by Tara Christopher. The musical direction was by Steve Boothe and Gregory Lawrence Duffin, and the sets were designed by Jim Nicholet and LeEarl Peck.
The musical has two acts and is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes long. The script is available through Eldridge Publishing.
The play is described as follows:
"Anne of Green Gables,” by L. M. Montgomery, is an enduring story of innocence, joy, and the true meaning of love that has delighted and inspired readers for over a century. Now this heartwarming story of the irrepressible Anne Shirley is impressively adapted to the stage and has inspired a musical score that will knock your socks off! The story begins as Anne arrives at Green Gables and follows her through mishaps and adventures, through Matthew’s death and her reconciliation with Gilbert, and finally to her determination to stay at Green Gables and help Marilla while pursuing her education. There are 20 songs including “Breath of Air!” “Bosom Friends” “The Lady of Shallot” “The Perfect Man,” and “Bend in the Road.” This charming, faithful adaptation appeals to those of every generation."
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Promotional artwork for Anne With an “e” - The Green Gables Musical.
Purchase and read Anne With an “e” – The Green Gables Musical - Vocal Selections Music Book :

Created September 24, 2006. Last updated September 2, 2024.
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